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What a year!

L-up can proudly look over the past 12 months, with again, some incredible results in this competitive and demanding environment of EU grant applications: 15 new RIA/ IA/ CSA accompanied, almost half of them within Twining, EDF, SESAR and Clean Aviation programmes, with a success rate of 65%. Several ERC and CoFund applications. Another successful…

Job Opening: Consultant

Join our team! L-up, based in Paris and Lyon, has been a specialist in European funding programmes dedicated to RD&I (Research, Development and Innovation) for 22 years. We accompany our clients in preparing project proposals and ‒ as a partner in collaborative projects ‒ in project management, dissemination / communication and exploitation. We also provide…

D-STANDART: AI-Aided Modelling of Large-Scale Composite Structures

Advanced composites play a crucial role in efforts to achieve a carbon-neutral future as enablers of resistant, lightweight and therefore energy-efficient structures, for example, in the aerospace and wind turbine sectors. The increasing use of large composite structures also raises the question of their damage tolerance and durability, which is currently generally assessed using imprecise…

HECATE – Towards Climate-Neutral Aviation

L-up is thrilled to support the HECATE project (“Hybrid-ElectriC regional Aircraft distribution Technologies”), a three-year research initiative co-funded by the European Union’s Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking Programme and UK Research and Innovation with roughly 40 million Euro (34 million Euro from the EU and 6 million Euro from the UK). As the aviation industry works…

iFURTHER: Cognitive Network of HF-Band Radars

The EU faces an increasingly complex threat spectrum that requires very early warning systems. Especially hypersonic and ballistic threats call for a new and robust capability to complement existing assets. The EU-funded project “hIgh FreqUency oveR The Horizon sensors’ cognitivE netwoRk” (iFURTHER) aims to develop a disruptive defence concept capable of protecting the sovereignty and…


Dear friends, clients and partners, We all would have liked 2022 to be less challenging than 2021, but it brought new and different challenges. At least this past year 2022 brought great progress in the fight against the pandemic. Let us all hope together that 2023 will bring peace. We are very grateful for the…

PATTERN Project Launched

The entire L-up team is proud to be part of the PATTERN project, which had its kick-off meeting on 15 and 16 September. PATTERN will develop the world’s first Process and Assembly Design Kits (PDK & ADK) for microwave photonics at ultra-high frequencies (100+ GHz) as well as new methods of heterogeneous integration of III-V…

ELENA – Lithium Niobate PICs for Europe

L-up is thrilled to be part of the ELENA project that officially kicked off on 10 and 11 February! ELENA is a 42-month collaborative Research and Innovation Action funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme (Grant number 101016138). The project promises to benefit the entire photonics sector by developing the first European…


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Dear friends, clients and partners, 2021 has been a very challenging year. It held personal hardships, but also positive surprises. We would like to thank you for the excellent cooperation and are looking forward to continued success in 2022. *** MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR *** JOYEUX NOEL ET MEILLEURS VŒUX *** BUONE…

OLGA: Smart and Sustainable Air Mobility

OLGA ‒ hOListic Green Airport ‒ is a new project approved under #EUGreenDeal. It is set to develop innovative sustainable measures for reducing both airside and landside emissions of airports. L-up is thrilled to be part of this ambitious endeavour! OLGA aims to reduce the environmental impact of air transportation, thus facilitating the transition to…