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What a year!

L-up can proudly look over the past 12 months, with again, some incredible results in this competitive and demanding environment of EU grant applications: 15 new RIA/ IA/ CSA accompanied, almost half of them within Twining, EDF, SESAR and Clean Aviation programmes, with a success rate of 65%. Several ERC and CoFund applications. Another successful…


Visionary EIC Pathfinder Project FITNESS Launched

L-up is excited to be part of FITNESS, a visionary new EIC Pathfinder project that will develop flexible smart skins able to provide a non-contact sense of “touch”. The underlying key technology is that of meta-surfaces, i.e. structured surfaces that have unusual properties at some frequencies. The approach combines a variety of fields: RF front-end…

CIRCULAIR – Sustainable Aviation Fuels from Manure and Straw

Making Europe a more circular and climate-neutral society requires responsible utilisation of residues and wastes, as well as large volumes of sustainable fuels for transport sectors like aviation and shipping, where direct electrification is not viable. CIRCULAIR addresses these challenges by developing an advanced biomass conversion pathway for cost-effective fuel production from abundant agricultural residues…