The EU faces an increasingly complex threat spectrum that requires very early warning systems. Especially hypersonic and ballistic threats call for a new and robust capability to complement existing assets. The EU-funded project “hIgh FreqUency oveR The Horizon sensors’ cognitivE netwoRk” (iFURTHER) aims to develop a disruptive defence concept capable of protecting the sovereignty and integrity of the European Union.
Given the threat spectrum, it is evident that no single technology can address all threat types in all situations. Therefore, iFURTHER focuses on long-range detection in the air and at sea (over the horizon) and will conceptualise a cognitive network of high-frequency radars as a future European defence system.
The 3-year research project, which officially started on 1 December 2022, is funded by the European Defence Fund under Grant Agreement N° 101103607 with a total budget of 10.95 million Euros. The iFURTHER consortium consists of 18 partners (four industrials, seven RTO and five SMEs) from 10 countries and is coordinated by Hellenic Aerospace Industry SA (Greece). The kick-off meeting was held in December 2023.
L-up is proud to be involved in this new project and to support the project management and communication activities.
Click here to read the official press release (pdf).
Read the iFurther fact sheet (European Defence Fund, EDF).