High Frequency Over The Horizon Sensors’ Cognitive Network
Runtime: 1 December 2022 to 30 November 2025
Consortium: 18 partners from 10 countries
Funding programme: European Defence Fund (Lump Sum), grant agreement number 101103607
Total budget: 10.95 M€
Coordinator: Hellenic Aerospace Industry SA (Greece)
Website: No website
Project teaser
Acronym: iFURTHER
The EU faces an increasingly complex threat spectrum that requires very early warning systems. Especially hypersonic and ballistic threats call for a new and robust capability to complement existing assets. The EU-funded project “hIgh FreqUency oveR The Horizon sensors’ cognitivE netwoRk” (iFURTHER) aims to develop a disruptive defence concept capable of protecting the sovereignty and integrity of the European Union.